Tuesday, January 31, 2012

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Monday, January 30, 2012

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Doing Business With China The

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 30, 2012

Mr. Stephen Perl, a leading expert on China Trade in the US provides a win-win strategy for the US and its businesses to take advantage of the exploding consumer demand in China in his new book, "Doing Business with China: The Secrets of Dancing with the Dragon".

Doing Business with China: The Secrets of Dancing with the Dragon is a must read for the 10 million US business owners looking to take advantage of China's trillion dollar economy.

Mr. Stephen Perl, one of the leading experts on trade with China and the author of his new book, Doing Business with China: The Secrets of Dancing With the Dragon says, "It has never been a better opportunity to make money for US companies wanting to export to the Chinese market".

"Today, China is the fastest growing major economy in the world," says Mr. Perl. "It is vital that US businesses take advantage of this trillion-dollar Chinese market when their consumer demand is about to explode. It is especially important for the US to react now while the Chinese public's preference is still predominantly to buy ?Made in the USA? goods.? ?Beside my first hand experience over the last decade, we know this to true because the fastest growth in US exports are now coming from China?. Why are we not treating China with their exploding demand for our goods like one of our best clients instead of alienating them on policy issues that are not material to our nation?s future economy?, asserts Mr. Perl.

Mr. Perl?s book, Doing Business with China: The Secrets of Dancing with the Dragon provides insight on how US business and its government can better understand the Chinese. This book provides information to understand how to solidify our business interests in a win-win scenario for both parties.

This book is especially relevant in a new era of Chinese government where Vice President Xi Jinping has been chosen for all intensive purposes to be the next President of China. Mr. Stephen Perl is hosting Vice President Xi Jinping?s business delegation in Los Angeles at the ChinaMart Los Angeles and at Pepperdine?s Graziadio Business School on February 16th. The event will include distinguished guests from Los Angeles County, Los Angeles City, and Chinese government along with the Dean of Pepperdine's Graziadio Business School.

Who is this book for:

��������-the +10,000 million US business owners, execs, and countless government officials that have had little to no formal training in understanding the Chinese culture and the process in making a deal with the Chinese

��������-Business and Government Execs wanting to understand China culture better

��������-Understanding the Art of Relationships in China

��������-Deal making tips and laying the foundation for transactions in trade

��������-Understanding Chinese Sales Channels and their methods of distribution

��������-Understanding Trade finance necessary to assist growth with US businesses working with China

��������-Understanding China?s legal system, property ownership, taxes, corporate structures, labor laws...and much, much more.

Who Endorses this book:

?A terrific how-to guide for US businesspeople considering their initial forays into the world?s second-largest economy and potentially the world?s largest consumer market.?

?Vance Baugham, president, World Trade Center Los Angeles & Long Beach

?Perl?s book provides valuable insights and practical information on how to do business in China. It?s a useful guide whether you?re an old hand in China or just getting started.?

?Terry W. Young, professor, chairman of economics, Pepperdine University?s Graziadio Business School

?This is a great book for foreign business executives wanting to source or invest in China. It gives the current details needed to make real business decisions.?

?Eugene Liang, president, Canton Fair Import/Export Co., Ltd. (China)

This book will be available for hard copy purchase and electronic purchase at all major online retailers next week.

ABOUT AUTHOR: Mr. Stephen Perl is the CEO of 1st PMF Bancorp, a leading US commercial bank lender, and the founder and CEO of ChinaMart� Los Angeles, the largest physical showroom and investment platform of its kind that assists Chinese investment in to the US and to conduct trade with the US. Mr. Perl actively serves on the County of Los Angeles Board of Governors and the City of Los Angeles Economic Advisory Board. Additionally he is a director on the board of the Commercial Finance Association, the largest commercial lenders?s association in the US and certified as a United States Export-Import Bank Lender.

More Book info and detailed Author Bio can be found at: http://www.doingbusinesswithchina.net

ABOUT CHINAMART� USA : The ChinaMart� USA with its flagship 300,000 sq ft location at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), is the only international business platform in the United States of its kind to specialize in attracting Chinese investment to the US with a unique One-Stop Service Program. ChinaMart?s One-Stop Services integrates Chinese company?s US branch and immigration setup, warehousing, logistics, personnel, and marketing strategies into one package. ChinaMart is a trade platform assisting with imports as well as US exports to China. For more on our programs, please visit our website.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Terrible Deaths Of The Disciples

Terrible Deaths of The 12 Disciples of Jesus Christ And What it Means to be Christian.

People go to church for various reasons: Some go to church because they want a Christian marriage. Some go to church to look for dating partners. Some go to church because they want to learn how to sing. Some go to church because it?s a weekend. Some go to church because they want to graduate as Pastors and Ministers and get all the benefits that come with it. Some go to church because their friends are going to church. Some go to church because they want to benefit from charity. Some go to church because their positions in the society required them to. Some go to church because they are bored.The list is endless.

A true Christian goes to church because they love God and want to be saved from their sins. Jesus died to save us from sin and the 12 disciples of Jesus died to spread the Gospel around the world.Besides the 12 disciples and apostles,there are millions of unknown christians who were killed during the Dark Ages because of their belief and faith in Jesus.Jesus the Son of God led the way in being exemplary about what it means to be a christian.His disciples learned from Him during His Ministry here on Earth up to His crucifixion and Resurrection.Sometimes, when life deals us a blow, we tend to whine and think that our misfortune, problems and suffering is unbearable and incomparable, but when you look at the life of Jesus and the disciples and the troubles they encountered, your problems will fade in comparison. Christian life is not all rosy. It is full of trials, tribulations and temptations. You can either go through the suffering unscathed or you may meet a terrible death but whatever it is you must know that your Lord Jesus also suffered and you are not alone in your suffering. The world may reject you for standing upright but Jesus will come back again to save his faithful people even if it means saving 1 person out of 6 billion people on planet Earth. He saved only 8 people during Noah?s Flood. He is not a God of numbers and polls - he does not care what human opinion and polls say.

Here is how the 12 disciples of Jesus Died including the well-known Christian Martyrs.All the 12 disciples / apostles and martyrs suffered tribulation and trying times.With the exception of John who mysteriously died alone on an isolated dreary island,other disciples were brutally executed with such methods as beheading,crucifixion,stoning and other bizarre killings.This was the prize for believing in Jesus,so the executioners thought,but their ultimate prize lay in heaven...and that prize is eternal life.


Judas betrayed Jesus by handing Him over to the Chief Priests in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. If you read the New Testament you will realize that the Chief Priests were hypocrites and had always been looking for a way to arrest Jesus. Judas led the Chief Priests on the night before Passover Feast and kissed Jesus as a sign to let them know that He is the One they were looking for. The Priests handed over Jesus to Pontius Pilate. After realizing what he had done, Judas returned the money and hanged himself.


Writings from the Roman Hippolytus who died 236 A.D. reveal that Andrew one of the disciples of Jesus, went to preach and spread the Gospel of Jesus to the Thracians and Scythians.Thracia is modern-day Bulgaria and Scynthia is modern-day Georgia. Andrew died by crucifixion, being suspended and crucified onto an X-shaped cross in Greece, in the town of Patrae.He was also buried in this town.


The death of Bartholomew was confirmed by Hippolytus of Rome. Bartholomew travelled to several countries, including India where he preached and translated the Gospel of Jesus into the local language. In India, he was badly beaten, flayed alive and crucified upside down with his head facing downwards. Bartholomew was buried in Armenia in the town of Allanum.Armenia is modern-day South Georgia.

Eusebius, the Bishop of Caesaria who lived between 260 ? 341 A.D. was a prolific writer of Church History and he also writes about the mission of Bartholomew in India and provides an eye-witness account for Bartholomew?s ministry.

James (Son of Alphaeus)

James the Less or Son of Alphaeus:

Hippolytus, The Roman Writer confirms that James, the disciple of Jesus met his death by stoning in the town of Jerusalem. The Jews stoned James to death when he was preaching. He was buried close to the temple in Jerusalem. James met his death at the age 94 years. It is said that the stoning failed to kill him outright, so the Jews busted his head with a club. James was the Head of Gospel Churches in all of Jerusalem.

James (Son of Zebedee)

James the Great or Son of Zebedee:

The New Testament Acts 12: 1-2 says that James, older brother to John had his head cut off by King Herod.King Herod was on a killing spree and sought to oppress and execute the Church and believers of Christ. James the Great was killed after another Christian Martyr Stephen was stoned to death 10 years earlier.

Eusebious, the A.D. writer of Church History describes in more vivid detail how James?s head was cut with a sword. As King Herod was determined to kill all Christians, James was also determined to preach the Word of God and encourage those around him. He continued to preach even when he was arrested and led to the place of execution. The man who accused him was so touched by James? conviction even in the face of impending death such that he repented and fell down on James? feet. Both James and this man had their heads cut off simultaneously.

John (brother of James) and son of Zebedee

John the beloved disciple of Jesus and elder brother to James, son of Zebedee did not die a cruel death. John founded several churches that spread the Gospel of Christ after the crucifixion ? which include among others the church of Laodicea, Thyatira, Philadelphia, Sardis, Pergamos, Smyrna.

John could have died a violent death like other disciples but that was not God?s will. John was captured, then taken to Rome for execution. He was thrown into a drum of hot boiling oil by his captors, but a miracle happened...nothing happened to him. They finally got him out unscathed and King Dominitian of Asia banished him to an isolated island.

Roman Writer Hippolytus says that John was banished to the isolated island of Patmos by King Dominitian.While on the island, John wrote the Book of Revelations. John died of old age and his remains were never found.

Matthew / Levi

Matthew was one of Jesus? disciples who decided to leave his job as a Tax Collector and follow Jesus at the simple command ?Follow Me?. Born in Nazareth, Matthew wrote the Gospel According to St Matthew in the Hebrew language. His Book was translated into Greek by James, step-brother to Jesus. Matthew travelled to Ethiopia and Parthia where he spread the Gospel. Matthew died a violent death in Ethiopia, Naddabar.His body was chopped apart with an axe known as a halberd.

Simon Peter

Eusebius wrote about Peter (Simon Peter) in the year A.D.110 whereby he quotes a reference from Papias of Hierapolis concerning a tradition that was preserved by the Book of Mark according to one of Peter?s sermons. This tradition is also confirmed in the writings by Irenaeus in the year 180 A.D.Irenaeus also states that Peter was the Founder of the Church in Rome.

Eusebius writes that Peter the most well-known disciple of Jesus who denied Jesus three times during the arrest and trial of Jesus met his death by being crucified upside down. Jesus declared that on this rock (Peter) I will build my Church. While Peter had many opportunities to flee and several people offering to give him refuge he refused all of them, instead preferring to meet his death. The Roman Emperor Nero ordered the crucifixion of Peter in 64 A.D.Peter requested to be crucified upside down, feet up and head down, as he was not worthy to die in the same crucifixion stance as Jesus, the Lord.

Hippolytus of Rome states that Peter desired to suffer and die in the same manner as His Lord Jesus.Peter?s Gospel ministry and mission spanned Asia, Italy, Betania, Cappadocia, Galatia and Pontus.


Philip the disciple of Jesus died through execution by crucifixion. The Roman Writer Hippolytus records that Philip?s Gospel ministry spread to East Turkey, the place where he was executed and buried. He was crucified in the town of Hierapolis with his head facing down and feet up, then finally stoned to death during the reign of King Dominitian.

Simon the Zealot

Simon the Zealot was the disciple of Jesus and he was blessed with special powers to heal the sick, cast out demons and evil spirits. It is believed that he was crucified in Persia during one of his Gospel missions. He also travelled extensively within the Roman Empire.

Thaddaeus (Judas son of James)

Thaddaeus or Judas (the brother of James) spread the Gospel of Jesus to the region of Mesopotamia. He was crucified in Edessa.


Thomas (Didymus) the disciple of Jesus, made missionary journeys to India and Persia. He met his death in India, Calamene when four soldiers thrust their spears through his body. He was also buried there. Thomas preached to the Hyrcanians, Persians, Margians and Bactrians.

Matthias another apostle of Christ was appointed to replace Judas Iscariot. Matthias spread the Gospel of Jesus in Syria and he was killed when he returned to the City of Rome. It is believed that he was burned to death.

Christian Martyrs After the Death of Jesus:

Stephen: Stephen was not part of the 12 Disciples of Christ, but he was one of the Disciples of Christ who spread the Gospel of Jesus after the cruxifixion.Stephen was the second martyr after Jesus. He was a faithful servant of God, upright preacher of the Word of God, and refused to take part or join in the corruption that was going on in the Church by the priests and elders. Due to his uncompromising manner and uprightness, his fellow priests and church elders plotted to kill him. On the next spring after the crucifixion of Jesus, the plotters gathered in the streets and stoned him to death. Stephen forgave his killers even during his death and uttered the words of Jesus ?Lord Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Are Doing?. The stoning of Stephen led to widespread prosecution of Christians in Jerusalem and in the regions of Samaria and Judea. More than 2,000 Christians were executed and killed during this period.

Mark: Mark was not part of the 12 Disciples of Christ. Mark the Jew (from the tribe of Levi) was the 7th martyr after the death of Christ. He converted to Christianity after meeting Peter.Mark wrote the Book of Mark with the help of Peter in the Greek language. Mark?s death is one of the most bizarre. The people of Alexandria grabbed and pulled him and literally tore his body to pieces.

Paul: Paul is one of the best known prosecutors of Christians as well as the 9th Christian martyr after Jesus. Before converting to Christianity, Paul known as Saul was a zealous Roman prosecutor of christians.His zeal for hunting down Christians turned to zeal for preaching the Word of God when he was struck down and blinded by the power of God. He regained his sight and lived for Christ. Paul was executed during the reign of Roman Emperor Nero by beheading. Being a Roman citizen, Paul was not crucified as this form of execution was considered highly humiliating and reserved only for Jewish citizens. Paul had his head cut off by two messengers of Nero, Parthemius and Ferega.As Paul was preaching and teaching people about the Word of God, these two messengers arrived and asked Paul to pray for them. As he knelt down to pray for them, they cut his head off.

Luke: Luke is the 13th martyr after Jesus. He wrote the well-known Gospel according to St. Luke. Luke accompanied Paul in Gospel missions across several countries and regions. Luke was executed to death in Greece by hanging.

Simon: Simon is the 14th martyr after Jesus. He spread the Gospel of Jesus in Ethiopia and Africa as well as in England where he died by crucifixion.

Historical sources and records in the form of letters (letters by Pliny to Trajan and Paul?s letters when he was a Roman Persecutor) show that persecuted Christians were given a chance to avoid execution or death by simply denouncing their Faith in Christ. Just saying ?Yes, I denounce my Faith in Jesus? was enough to spare you from impending death.

Letter from Pliny to Trajan:

Pliny also known as ?Pliny the Younger? born 61 A.D.was the Roman Governor of Pontus / Bithynia between the years AD 111 to AD 113.The excerpt below is one of the letters of correspondence between Pliny and Roman Emperor Trajan concerning the execution of Christians. Hundreds of letters written by Pliny were found as historical evidence .These were addressed to many ruling Roman Emperors of the time as well as other notable figures like Tacitus the historian. Besides being a witness and being involved in the persecution of Christians,Pliny �also witnessed the famous Volcano of Mount Vesuvius that buried the whole Roman town of Pompeii on 24th August of the year� 79 A.D.

An unbeliever or lukewarm Christian would be puzzled and surprised by the conviction of these Christians and some would call them names like ?crazy? or ?nuts?. However, a true Christian knows what it means to be christian.He will follow Jesus and be faithful even unto death. A true Christian knows that just like his Lord and Savior Jesus, even though he dies, he shall be resurrected from death on Judgement Day.

After Jesus was raised from the dead, after his cruxifixion, He appeared to his 12 disciples before He went to heaven to join His Heavenly Father. The disciples had a first-hand experience of what Jesus went through before and after his crucifixion. They were witness to His resurrection and thus were willing to die for the cause of spreading the Gospel to the World.

The Disciples of Christ were not violent. They did not spread hate nor violence. They were not fighting a war against political powers nor establishments of the time. They did not seek to overthrow the Roman Empire. They did not incite Christians against King Herod or Emperor Nero. Jesus even told people to ?Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God?.

Their only crime was spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus. They were persecuted for spreading the message of Love and Forgiveness that Jesus had taught about when He was on Earth.

Bible Study References:

Want to know about the 12 disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ?

12 Disciples of JesusMatthew 10:212 Disciples of JesusMark 3:1612 Disciples of ChristLuke 6:1412 Disciples of ChristActs 1:13How Judas Iscariot DiedHow Judas Iscariot Died

Historial Sources:

Letter - Pliny to Trajan about Execution of ChristiansLetter - Pliny to Trajan about Execution of Christians

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nice Seed Money photos

Check out these Seed Money images:

Seed Money
Seed Money

Image by teamjenkins
Seed Money - Money that is used to start a small business

Pretty hard for me to find an interesting idiom that can be conveyed in a photograph. Seed money stuck in my head so I went with it. And I like apples, so I had a snack too.

Taken for Assignment52 Week 12 - Idioms +++ View On White +++

Nikon D90 | Sigma 17-70mm (ƒ/2.8-4.5) @ 70mm | ƒ/7.1 | ISO 200 | 1/200s

Strobist info:
SB-80DX @ 1/8 thru Photoflex LiteDome (small) from left, white reflector on right
Optical trigger

Seed collection - IL Forest Service
Seed Money

Image by jweisenhorn
Seeds are collected annually by the Illinois Forest Service and natural areas reseeded, saving money for the State and preserving important native plant species.

Seed statue
Seed Money

Image by Ben.Millett
This "statue" is on the St. Paul campus. It's a metal and glass "seed" with a live plant inside. It's the "ag" campus, so they put this up to commemorate all the "ag" stuff going on here. It's pretty much a waste of money...